Thursday, 7 April 2011

When i was younger... Err, one year ago.

Remember my older post about Singapore thingy? I want to memorize the events i've done there. Well, it's already one year from one year ago! *awkward sentence*
On 5th April 2010, i woke up at... *believe or not* 02.10 AM.
Not a typo. It's AM, not PM.
I have to be in the airport on 03.00 AM *not a typo again, for sure. Morning*
Then i had my breakfast there. With my friends, we chattering, and get excited. Get soooo exciteddddddd we forgot our sleepy feeling, and we didn't felt any tired. We just keep chattering about fun, and fun, and mooree fun.
 One photo before the flight.
 On the plane!
Then, in hours, we arrived at Changi airport. My first impression:
"So different with Soekarno-hatta airport *Indonesia's International airport* (-_-)"
And seriously, 
get excited again. Safely arrived!

Then lunch, then go to siglap secondary school *this is not a holiday, for sure... we're on a twinning program!*, then we go to mount faber peak to have a dinner.
And then, we (50+ students from forty-nine Junior high school) separated into two groups; A and B; and i'm on A group.

On 6th April, in the morning, we went to siglap secondary high school again, and follow many activities there. Then, *the most important thing!* we went to Bugis street and... Shopping!!!! >_< (...) There's a lot of food there. I spent a lot of my money on food... *mumbling*
On 7th April! As far as i remember, we went to URA city gallery, chinatown and... :s i forgot many things T_T Umm, and we went to Bras basah bookstore. Then... *memorizing* Ugh i forgot... *bad thing*
And i didn't take any photos on that day *worse thing*

And these is the photos on 8th April!
At Sentosa, merlion park, Lasalle school of art, Newater, LTA (Land transport and authorization) and more!

And last day, 9th April.
In the morning, after breakfast (and swimming at the Hostel's swimming pool), we went to...
Science center!
But on the way there, some of my friends fall asleep. They're tired of something or what? ._.

Then, they all woke up after we arrived at science center!
I took a lot of random photos (and videos) here... aih (?)


Some photos above are photos while we're waiting for the bus, after lunch. Then, we went to Changi airport, and go back to Indonesia.
 At Changi
The journey stops here.
Well, i think this is a nice memory. I keep this photos for months and i still excited to see this photos again again again again.... And memorizing all of things happened in this photos!

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