Thursday, 30 September 2010

syair... ehm

hari ini kelas gua... 92... ada ulangan lanjutan bahasa indonesia
kemaren udah ngerjain soal soal pilihan ganda, hari ini disuruh bikin... syair
ini awal mula sebuah masterpiece(!) tercipta.

gua duduk di barisan paling depan, paling kiri (kalau diliat dari depan kelas)
sebelah gua fadhil, belakang gua kirana, belakangnya fadhil itu andre.

Pak aris masuk ruangan, pelajaran bahasa indonesia pun dimulai
bagiin ulang kertas jawaban ulangan, terus menginstruksikan kami semua untuk membuat syair, dua bait ~_~
ini mulai parah, gua gak jago bikin syair

All the right moves, one republic!

Hey i found this at Kirana's blog! (and she said, she got it from Dhisty's blog)
well, i copy then paste all of this text (except the answer) from kirana's blog :
Wanna play too? This is the rule. Open your playlist, turn on the shuffle mode. Then, answer these questions using the song's title that you shuffled. And, no cheating please ;D

Let start!

Saturday, 18 September 2010

I want to try a recount text about : lucky pet at pet society!

well, i want to teach my english skill... in recount text
read this! it's a FACT not a fiction ;) *pamer*

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

say hi again to this award!

remember august-awards-business?
i want to repost one of them for...

Idul Fitri!

heiyah, readers!
Happy idul fitri 1431H! (or some of my bloggies-mate called it ied mubarak)
whoa this is a very very late post T_T 
because i'm on my holiday trip now (and... sometimes the internet connection are fckdup and i can't blog for days!) actually, the connection is faster at karanganyar, but...
nnn too many food (!)
and now i'm on bandung ;) well the connection so far is good

Thursday, 9 September 2010

my sister's handmade... well she called it food

Good morning, bandung!
well, i arrived at bandung this morning, maybe 30 minutes ago
and it's COLD DAMN FREEZING HERE T_T toilet will be my permanent destination
i must wear my jackets or(maybe and) sweater. *sniffing*

but i prefer bandung than jakarta ;) but i didn't stay here overnight, just pick up my older sis here then we will start our journey to middle java (jawa tengah) yeah whatever i call it middle java (-_-)

and then... guess what!
my older sis made something for me and my brother
she called it... oreo balls. oreo, food. yeah right it's food but it's...

Saturday, 4 September 2010

drawing is a part of my hella shit -_-

boring when i do nothing.
ini adalah bukti nyata bahwa kalau bosan gua bisa menciptakan hal yang lebih ekstrim dari kayang diatas kasur paku.