Sunday, 31 October 2010

For unemployed ninth grader, this-game-is-fckng-fun

Okay, first,
this online game is... is... 

Thursday, 28 October 2010

late october

i want to say... Happy Halloween!
well, i even don't know how to celebrate it because i rarely celebrate it (-_-) hng but i though Halloween is fun, Costume play, Trick or Treats... 
i want to try it oncee!!! (-_-?)

Hng, another things about late october...

Monday, 25 October 2010


hi, i'm a teenager
and i hate it
Okay, i'm a teenager, bit childish but i AM (still/become) A TEENAGER

too many problems, unsolved problems and... undescribable problem lah pokoknya.
tiba tiba ada masalah, gakjelas darimana datengnya ~_~

so the point is,
it's so pointless
no point.

aaah i hate become a teenager
hate it.

and... yeah that's teenager
too much words, but almost all words is pointless.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

an instant lake (49jhs building B)

Well, it supposed to be 'flood disaster' but i choose 'an instant lake' as the title, so this post doesn't sounds so ironic ;)

Hari kamis (14-10-2010) dan Jum'at (15-10-2010) jalan disekitar gedung B... BANJIR BESAR!
banjirnya sampe masuk ke area lapangan sekolah dan jadilah... danau instan di sekolah (hanya datang pas hujan besar) kayak danau lebar yang pinggir-pinggirnya itu rumah.
gua jadi agak deg-degan kalau keluar kelas, tiba tiba ada gondola ditengah lapangan, lagu klasik mengalun... gua di venezia.
oke itu urusan lain.

banjirnya supermegagiga menakjubkan karena cara melewatinya adalah dengan naik kendaraan atau... lepas sepatu (dan rasakan sensasi benda-benda melayang dalam air mengenai kaki anda)
banjirnya heboh, besar banget *gak besar-besar banget sih *cuma efek dramatisasi* tapi tetep aja banjirnya bikin akses masuk ke gedung B susah. apalagi rata-rata pada jalan kaki v_v

Friday, 15 October 2010

Songoloro members

Mungkin nama kelas gua (92) jadi Songoloro (Solo)
dan menurut gua... kelas ini asik.
oke ulang,
kelas ini ASIIIKK hampir semua anaknya bisa diajak bekerjasama *dalam arti tertentu*
oke sip sekarang mungkin gua mau mendeskripsikan anak-anaknya satu persatu... dalam rangka pengakraban *apaini*

dari nomer 1...

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

mid-test... argh!

Well... hi, readers...
i'm on mid-term examination a.k.a mid test
well, ehm. Yeah of course i must study hard. But i can't study without checking my blog ;) *alesan* 
Tomorrow... Indonesian Language test *gulp* and... social study *god... why must social study... whyyyyy* ← social study, isn't just about social (-_-) including HISTORY and... i suck at history-business T_T i must study hard for tomorrow mid-test
i know i have to start from where to study but my brain have a capacity, estimated 256mb veerryy small capacity for history ;) So i just read the mind-map (about social study) and it's all done

yeah dude,
i suck at studying.

and for the day after tomorrow... it will be PKN (uhm, study about nationality and citizenship... or whtvr you call it -_-)
and... MATH *backsound : students screaming* 
well, i'm okay with math *I SAID WHAT* as long as the numbers and counting isn't confusing (-_-)
and for PKN... i hope there's still more free brain-capacity to study more about it.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Harry potter and the deathly hallows part I - on Cinema 19 November 2010! - well, 40 days until 19 November!

ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG 40 days until harry potter 7 part 1 on cinema!
well, i can't waittt but i must to -_-'
and i want to post movie posterrrrrrrr well i'm so excited WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAA *calm down, jan -_-*
KYAAAA KYAA (?) okay... don't ever mind it, peoples.
just got too excited hshshshshs 
november, please come faster!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

this post dedicated to Tata!

well... tata is absent today. (don't know tata? check this out : tata's twitter/tata's blog)
i've heard the news, she's sick *POOR YOU! :(*
and i want to give you something!
i hope it makes you feel better! ;D